How To Exfoliate for Acne-Prone Skin

How To Exfoliate for Acne-Prone Skin

You may have decided against exfoliating your skin if you have acne-prone skin; you may believe it will irritate your acne-prone skin. This is understandable. However, if you’re gentle with your skin and exfoliate properly—it can be an essential and highly effective addition to your skincare routine.

Here’s why exfoliation techniques are essential to improving your acne-prone skin:

The Benefits of Exfoliating Acne-Prone Skin

Exfoliating Removes Dead Skin
Your skin can become dull, dry, and rough when old skin skills build up on your skin’s surface. Then, these cells create clogged pores and excess oil, which causes blemishes and acne.

However, you can remove dead skin when you have an exfoliation routine. As a result, you’ll allow your skin’s healthy cells to shine and come to the surface.

Your Skin Will Become Soft
When you use an excellent exfoliation scrub, you’ll leave your skin looking soft. That’s because it deeply cleanses and unblocks your pores, leaving your skin feeling soft to touch and smooth.

You should use an exfoliation scrub that contains zero nasty microbeads. The more natural your product, the better it is for your skin.

How To Exfoliate Acne-Prone Skin
Exfoliating acne-prone skin isn’t as simple as placing a scrub on your face and washing it off. If you want to prevent skin irritation, you should follow this step-by-step guide:

Use Slow Movements

The most significant way to irritate your skin is by scrubbing your face too quickly. If you have fresh acne scars, you may risk reopening the cut and prolonging the scarring. Instead, use small, circular, and gentle strokes around your face; this will reduce the irritation on your face.

Use a Light Touch

Scrubbing your face hard does nothing but irritate your skin. Instead of pressing your skin hard—treat your skin like your pressing flower petals. The softer you touch your skin, the less chance of irritation and breakouts.

Use Lukewarm Water

If it’s cold outside, using chilly water might seem unappealing. Still, here’s the problem: hot water can irritate freshly exfoliated skin. You should use lukewarm or cold water instead to prevent any irritation.

Pat Your Face Dry Gently

If you’re in a rush and want to go out, you might grab the nearest towel and scrub your face quickly. You should avoid this; instead, gently pat your face with a towel to prevent skin irritation or fresh acne scarring.

Add Moisture To Your Skin

You should use moisturiser after exfoliating your skin because you’ve likely dried it out. Use a moisturiser that offers lightweight hydration.

Exfoliate Before You Sleep

The best time to exfoliate your skin is before sleep because nighttime exfoliation prevents sun exposure. In addition, it also prepares your skin for rest and allows it to absorb your acne treatments. However, if you have dull or oily skin, you may prefer morning exfoliation to give your skin a glow.

Don’t Exfoliate Too Much

If you’re witnessing excellent results from your exfoliation, you may feel tempted to begin daily exfoliation. However, that’s not a good idea. If you scrub too much, you’ll remove too much healthy skin. Try to exfoliate between 1 to 3 times per week.
In Summary
Although acne-prone skin can make your life more difficult, exfoliation can improve your skin and overall lifestyle. Use an excellent exfoliation product, don’t overdo it, and use other skincare products to achieve the best results.